Mr. Rivera's Page

Webpage for Daniel Rivera: High School teacher and Data Analysis student.

Why You Matter to God

Written on September 10, 2021

Often times, it seems as if God does not care about our daily lives. Even though we feel that he might be distant, He cares about every detail in our life.

Through the trials in life, it may seem that our situations may be too much for God to consider. Even Jesus asked the Father "why have you forsaken me?" in Matthew 27:46. Even though it seems like he is not there, God is always watching over you. Our Father made this promise, and is unwaivering. But why do we feel alone? Why does it seem that God does not care about us?

The Reliability of our Heart

Even though our feelings might seem undeniable, our emotions will most often lead us astray. Jeremiah 17:9 states that the heart "is decietful above all things". Proverbs 4:23 advises us to "guard our heart" above all else. Romans 13:14 tells us to not think about how to "gratify the desires of the flesh" (or the heart). Ultimatly, we cannot base our life around our emotions. Someone who is very wise (especially in the financial realm) warned others about "making a permanent decision based on a temporary feeling".

If not my heart, who do I trust?

The obvious church answer would be to trust in God, rather than our own judgement. Instead of using a vague answer to dictate our life decisions, let us determine why we should trust in God. In the Proverbs 3:5-6, King Solomon advises us to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding". Even though we feel as if something is right, we cannot go based on our own judgement. Our Father makes a way for us and will show us the right way (Psalm 37:23).

If our heart is too mean, cruel, or unforgiving; we can ask God to make us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17, Psalm 51:10). We can trust God to make us new, and to trust in him so we could not lean on our own understanding.

The Importance of a Clean Heart

God enjoys being around righteous people in the Bible. God enjoyed David because he had "a heart after his own heart" (1 Samuel 13:14). Even though we are not and will never be perfect, we know that God enjoys when we try to do the right thing. 2 Corinthians 5:9 says our goal is to "please him", and this is with our heart and our attitude. With most affairs in the bible, God is mostly concerned with our attitude rather than the physical act. God loves a "cheerful giver" rather than someone who gives. We can trust God to give us a new heart and to go by his ways and not our own (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Seeking God with a pure heart

Jeremiah 29:13 says that you will seek and find me when you seek with all of your heart. Matthew 6:21 also tells us that our heart is located wherever we treasure something. Do we treasure the Lord? If we hope to know more about him and seek him whole-heartedly, we will not have any doubts about being near him.