Mr. Rivera's Page

Webpage for Daniel Rivera: High School teacher and Computer Science student.

Praising in the Present: A Cure for Anxiety

Written on June 18, 2022

What is praise? Are we praising God for the right reasons? At the right time? For the right circumstances? Let us figure out what it truly means to praise. Try listening to this song while you read this article :).

Summer vacation has recently begun. The hustle and bustle of the school year has come to an end, and more of my time is now available. Between summer classes, exercising, studying, ministry, and other affairs; there is still plenty of time left for me to reflect. For better or for worse, it always seems like our thoughts catch up to us. Being a math teacher, I tried to solve, optimize, and try to perfect my life situations as if it was an equation waiting to be solved. This has led me to a state of anxiousness, as I await the conclusions and answers to the many questions I present myself with. My mind continually wanders as I ask myself "what am I going to do?". Every situation, variable, and possible outcomes has been under the lens of self reflection.

Praise from the Psalms

Psalms 103:1-3 shows David praising the Lord from the most inside of his soul. We see how much David truly appreciates God with the every fiber of his body. God placed and constructed every part of David's existence, and now his whole being cries out in praise. When David begins to praise the Lord, he prays to not forget God's benefits. Let us take a moment and reflect on God's benefits for us. Regretfully, my treasure in the Lord is my future. I am praising God on what is yet to come: my future career, the construction of my church, who my future spouse is, etc. Family in Christ, let us not make the same mistake that I did: keeping my mind on the future and not being grateful of my past. The Lord has given me life, rearranged everything wrong in my life, showed me how to love, added structure to my life, oppurtunities to grow, discipline to aid in my journey, and so much more. When we have our thoughts in our future, we lose sight of all the wonders God has achieved in our past.

Trusting in him

What are the other benefits that God brings to our lives? He redeems us, forgives our sin, calls us a new creation, and gives us a new identity. We can go all day speaking on the good things that our Father has done for us. Are we truly grateful for living another day? Do we allow our mental state and circumstance to determine our praise? My go-to scripture for anxiousness has always been Matthew 6. We truly are the crown of our Father's creation. If God takes care of the birds and the flowers, he will definitely take care of everything that is on my mind. Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us throw away every shackle of worry to fully experience the breakthrough we experience when we praise his holy name. Let us be thankful for all that he has done, look back at every tribulation that has kept you awake at night with tears in your eyes. God knows all that we went through, and all that we will experience. Don't forget Matthew 6: seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and do not worry about tomorrow. He will provide all of our needs according to his riches in glory, and put our minds at ease with the peace that surpasses all understanding.